Links, Information & Health Advice
The following links relate to topics discussed at recent PPG Network meeting:
The Sussex People's Panel:
Community Ambassadors:
The Big Health and Care Conversation online engagement:
The local response to the NHS long term plan. Download here:
Organisation & group websites
NHS England NHS England sets the priorities and direction of the NHS and encourages and informs the national debate to improve health and care.The NHS Long Term Plan (pub. 7/1/2019) |
Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) The official website explaining what CCGs are responsible for and what they do. |
NHS Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) The clinically-led statutory NHS body responsible for the planning and commissioning of health care services in our local area. |
Primary Care Commissioning Committee To enable the CCG to openly and transparently manage conflicts of interest that may arise as a result of the CCG’s co-commissioning responsibilities, the Primary Care Commissioning Committee was established. It is separate from the Governing Body and has the responsibility for managing primary care contracts. |
Surrey and Sussex LMC (Local Medical Committee) The LMC is an independent body statutorily recognised as the sole professional organisation representing GPs and their practices to the Area Team and CCGs. The LMC represents the views of GPs to any other appropriate organisation or agency. |
Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust The main provider of community NHS health and care across West Sussex, Brighton & Hove and High Weald Lewes Havens area of East Sussex. |
Caring Together A joint programme led by Brighton and Hove CCG and Brighton & Hove City Council that sets the strategic direction for the local health and care system. Commissioning Intentions sets out the CCGs plans for 2018/19. |
Sustainability and transformation partnerships (STPs) STP plans have been developed by NHS and local government leaders in 44 parts of England. The plans offer a chance for health and social care leaders to work together to improve care and manage limited resources. |
National Institute for Health Research Funds health and care research and translate discoveries into practical products, treatments, devices and procedures, involving patients and the public. |
Community Works Connects charities, volunteers and businesses to help people and organisations to use their time, expertise and energy effectively. Excellent source of documents about developing a PPG. |
Healthwatch Healthwatch Brighton and Hove is the independent watchdog for health and social care services in Brighton and Hove. They publish independent reports on GP Practices. |
The Social Prescribing Network Social Prescribing is a means of enabling GPs and other frontline healthcare professionals to refer patients to a link worker. |
National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP) Established in 1978, the N.A.P.P. is the only UK umbrella organisation for patient-led groups in general practice. |
Background information & reports
The King'sFund explains the Feb 2021 White Paper
A FAQ about the COVID-19 vaccine
Calls to NHS Helplines (111 and 999)
NHS Test and Trace
The NHS in Sussex
Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is part of the Central Sussex and East Surrey Alliance of CCGs.
PRIMARY CARE NETWORKS (PCNs) in Sussex and East Surrey - click for list
An Animation about Primary Care Networks
The Primary Care Network Handbook. | |
All About Integrated Care Systems (ICS) | |
A summary of how PPGs make a difference (pdf document) | |
Examples of the work being carried out by PPGs across the country (website page) N.B. You will need to join the NAPP to view case study details. |
Health Advice
Symptom Checker, Health Information and Medicines Guide
The NHS Health A-Z
Brighton and Hove - Health and Mental Health Advice
These are the places you can get help in Brighton & Hove during coronavirus. You can also contact these services for advice if you’re worried about a friend, family or a neighbour.
When should I worry about my child?
A Guide to Coughs, Colds, Earache & Sore Throats in Children
About eConsult
eConsult is a website that enables you to seek self-help information from the NHS, through your GP Practice or surgery website. Services include self-help information, advice or help from local services or help from your local pharmacy. Brighton & Hove surgeries are implementing it.